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2018 Successes

1. Lafayette's trees remain standing - Thanks to your efforts and support, the approximately 500 trees in Lafayette and Briones targeted by PG&E's discredited "safety" program still thrive, nearly two years after the agreement with the City was signed.


2. A victory in court - In October, the Court of Appeals sided with Save Lafayette Trees, overturning an earlier ruling that dismissed our initial CEQA lawsuit. 


3. Overwhelming display of community support - The Sept. 10th special City Council meeting attended by PG&E and the CPUC was an overwhelming success for trees and safety, and a turning point in our efforts. Thank you! The City Council was left wondering out loud how to unwind this agreement and return the funds to PG&E.


4. Exposed pipeline on Lafayette-Moraga trail addressed - After decades of pipeline exposure, reports to the City, and recent news stories about our safety concerns, PG&E finally replaced and buried the exposed pipeline along the Lafayette Moraga trail. This work was completed in December.  


5. Safety violations exposed - Save Lafayette Trees forwarded pipeline safety concerns to the CPUC whose subsequent audit found PG&E in violation of federal safety regulations including incorrect equipment identification and lack of pipeline markers - important factors in preventing safety incidents and improving emergency response. PG&E has since installed markers as well as additional pipeline corrosion protection measures. 


6. Started a "Safety Alliance" with PG&E/CPUC/City  - with City Council support, SLT and other concerned citizens began real dialogue to start work on evaluating true safety concerns, and prioritizing projects appropriately. These collaborative meetings are planned to continue in 2019.


7. More Endorsements received - these include the wonderful Lindsay Wildlife Museum, the nationally-recognized Pipeline Safety Trust headquartered in Washington state, and pipeline expert Richard Kuprewicz.


8. Presented at the 2018 Pipeline Safety Trust conference. In October, we few to New Orleans and presented the Lafayette story to a national audience, including federal regulators and industry representatives. This talk was taped and is available online.


9. Launched new website - to host the many and increasing questions we have of PG&E safety issues, and their corresponding responses.


10. Increased media exposure - last year we had more attention than ever throughout the Bay Area, including many on-air TV news stories from each of the local stations.

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